【Sine Qua Non Just For The Love of It 2002】
★Robert Parker評為喝過最好的加州酒以及世上最好的Syrah酒
【Sine Qua Non 辛卡儂酒莊】
Sine Qua Non原意是拉丁文的「缺一不可」、「必要條件」。 創立人Manfred Krankl先生最初在1989年與太太Elaine及其他合夥人共同經營洛杉磯一家高級餐廳“Campanile”,在半實驗的心態下嘗試自己動手釀酒。 他向熟悉的知名葡萄園(Alban Vineyards, Bien Nacido Vineyards) 採購品質優良的葡萄來釀製,產量極少,約一百箱,且全部供給餐廳使用。
與Screaming Eagle, Colgin, Harlan Estate並駕齊驅
只要說到美國膜拜酒,Sine Qua Non 絕對是與Screaming Eagle、Harlan平起平坐的超級酒莊,凡喝過的人都讚嘆!但在許多酒迷的心中,地位甚至略勝一籌,因為它不僅僅是膜拜酒,更被視為無價的藝術收藏品,每年獨一無二的酒標,早被無數藏家爭相收集、窖藏,意義非凡!
Robert Parker讚嘆不已,將其列入 ”The World's Greatest Wine Estates”(世界偉大酒莊)一書。
在1994那一年,Sine Qua Non酒莊創造奇蹟,生產的100箱葡萄酒一上市就銷售一空,權威酒評Robert Parker喝過後,頓時驚為天人,馬上給了95高分,原本默默無名的小酒莊從此一飛衝天,成為膜拜酒中的極品!更破天荒創下紀錄,拿下超過22次RP滿分紀錄,成為蘇富比與佳士得國際拍賣會上的夢幻逸品!
A dead-ringer (at least aromatically) for Guigal’s single vineyard Cote Rotie La Mouline, the 2002 Just For The Love of It is the greatest California Syrah I have yet tasted. A one-thousand case blend of 96% Syrah, 2% Grenache, and 2% Viognier, it is nearly equal parts Alban, Bien Nacido, and Stolpman fruit with a small amount from both Shadow Canyon and White Hawk. It boasts a provocative perfume of creme de cassis, toast, blackberries, licorice, barbecue spice, and exotic floral scents. Extremely full-bodied, with fabulous intensity, great purity, awesome length, and a finish that lasts over a minute, this classic is a must purchase. Already accessible, it will drink well for 10-15 years.