【Schrader Cellars Colesworthy Cabernet Sauvignon 2016】
選用位於聖海倫娜西北部(St.Helena)的貝克史豆夫-拉斯彼德雷亞斯園(Beckstoffer Las Piedras)的葡萄。100%的克隆337卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)釀製而成。此園名在西班牙語中譯為「石頭」,恰如其土壤:高密度的岩石與鵝卵石,排水良好,亦使葡萄藤的根能長得更深以尋少水和養分,也得以釀出色澤深沉、濃縮且芳香濃郁的葡萄酒,帶著優雅礦物味,質地柔軟、結構堅實。
【Schrader Cellars 施拉德酒莊】
並認證施拉德酒莊:目前最『火』的十大加州名酒,與Screaming Eagle、Scarecrow、Harlan Estate等名家並列。
推出就稍縱即逝,藏家們甘願排隊數年購買的夢幻逸品。年產量極少,僅兩千箱左右,不到Opus One十分之一!同時嚴格控管銷售通路,僅開放10%給國際市場,想買到更是難上加難!
莊主Fred Schrader與天才釀酒師Thomas Rivers Brown打造納帕谷中奇蹟
Thomas Rivers Brown也是首位獲得Wine Spectator滿分的美國釀酒師
坐擁黃金地段『加州第一園』、更是『納帕谷中的Musigny』貝克家族的圖卡龍園Beckstoffer To kalon比鄰Opus One、Screaming Eagle、Harlan Estate出自同一產區。此區酒體剛柔並濟、擁有頂尖的複雜度及陳年潛力。貝克家族的圖卡龍園Beckstoffer To kalon出產了全加州品質最好的果實,因此只生產各家酒莊的旗艦酒款。只要出自這塊葡萄田酒款、價格絕對萬元起跳、身價絕對可以與布根地特級園Musigny平起平坐。
RP:97 Drink Date:2021 - 2045
Deep garnet-purple colored, the 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon Beckstoffer Las Piedras Vineyard Colesworthy opens with ripe, rich, bold crème de cassis, preserved plums and baked blueberries scents with hints of cumin seeds, star anise, mincemeat pie, mocha and new leather with wafts of tobacco, cedar and black tea. The full-bodied palate is very firm and muscular with bags of black fruits and spices, finishing very long.
Crazy aromas of black truffles and black fruit. Extremely aromatic and powerful on the nose. Full-bodied, yet the tannins are so fine and polished. Fascinating length and focus. Muscular but toned. Try after 2024.
年份 | 評分 | 容量 | 金額 |
2013 | ★RP98+ ★JS98 | 1500ml | 39000 |