Opus One 2018 第一樂章
五大酒莊Mouton與美國Robert Mondavi酒莊聯手創立,酒標上兩個側面的頭像交錯剪影象徵兩位大師的完美合作。自1984年發表首釀酒就造成極大轟動,成為美國高級膜拜酒的先驅!傳承法國波爾多葡萄酒的優雅精緻,同時展現了美國納帕谷的風土,直到今天依然在收藏家有著心中無可取代的地位。
Extremely perfumed and floral with lavender, lilacs and violets to the sweet, ripe berries, such as blackberries and blackcurrants. Some slate and graphite, too. It’s full-bodied, yet ever so balanced and refined, with super fine tannins that last for minutes. Fresh herbs, such as bay leaf and lemon grass highlight the dark fruit. The quality of tannin is exquisite with wonderful polish and refinement. Lasts for minutes. --James Suckling
【Opus One】
創始於1978年,由波爾多五大酒莊的木桐堡傳奇莊主Baron Philippe de Rothschild男爵聯手美國著名的Napa葡萄酒商Robert Mondavi一同打造。結合兩個巨擘釀酒世家的傳統和創新,合力創作的"第一樂章"是一款迷人獨特的旗艦葡萄酒,更因此被譽為"加州一級名酒"。
年份 | 評分 | 容量 | 金額 |
2016 | ★JS99 ★WA98 ★WS94 | 750ml | 17720 |
2017 | ★JS95 ★WA95 ★WS93 | 750ml | 15200 |
2021 | ★JA100 ★JS99 ★WI98 ★Vinous97 ★JD97 ★WS95 | 750ml | 14000 |